We're continuing on with definition of the important roles that need to be part of the change team. Today's post is about the Integrator.While the Facilitator will make sure that everybody’s voice is heard -- and each of those voices will have valuable information and their own perspective to contribute -- it is the Integrator who will take all of those separate voices and turn them into something whole.When disparate opinions and approaches are represented by the stakeholders, the Integrator will need to analyze each of the perspectives represented, identify the differences and commonalities, determine if there’s a solution that satisfies everybody’s core needs, describe what that solution looks like, and then go back and check for agreement with the stakeholders that what is being described will work for everybody. Whatever the final solution looks like needs to be completely described and documented in terms where people can understand what is changing in their daily lives. Think of it as providing a dictionary so that everybody can speak the same language regarding what the future will be. This may be a good opportunity to work with the Facilitator to manage the discussions when you review with all of the stakeholders.Once you have agreement and buy-in from the stakeholders, the Integrator will need to work with the Communicator to make sure that everybody impacted is informed and understands what their new world is going to look like.The perspective of the Integrator has to be big picture and detailed at the same time. This requires a particular skillset -- a person with a passion for solving puzzles and putting all of the pieces together makes a great Integrator!