I attended an event this week at BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota where the senior executives talked about their do campaign.As a health company, BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota realized that the majority of health insurance costs are the direct result of diseases that could be prevented if people moved more and ate better. The company decided to create a change that would incent their members to take personal responsibility for improving their health.BlueCross BlueShield created simple, easy to implement solutions for the personal, family, work, and community factors that could affect people's choices, and branded it using clean, colorful images that appeared on billboards and in gyms throughout the state. They also utilize humor (along with gentle prodding) to encourage people to get up and take the first steps.I was completely inspired by the leadership this company is showing, as well as the holistic approach they are taking to help their customers (and everyone in Minnesota) take charge of their health - to get up off the couch, buy healthier foods, improve corporate cafeteria menus, develop community gardens, ride bikes, create sidewalks, and quit smoking.Plus, the tv ads are completely catchy!