wHolistic ChangeSM approaches change from a perspective of “who” (people) is doing “what” (services), “when” “where” and “why” (process), along with any tools or infrastructure (technology) that are needed.All of these aspects need to be coordinated in your deployment plan so that the interdependencies are in place and ready to go at the right time. A handy tool to help with planning for the interdependencies is something called a change roadmap.On the roadmap, lay out the milestones for when different pieces of the change are planned to be in place. Now think about all of the interdependencies and lay those milestones out on the roadmap -- positioned to show what needs to be ready before, after, or simultaneously.When the sequence of the milestones on the change roadmap doesn’t match with the actual change plan, then adjustments to the change plan or strategy are needed. For example, if your people need training in the new technology before the go-live date, and the change plan shows that the technology isn’t delivered until the go-live date, then you’ll either need to change the go-live date to allow time for training, or you’ll need to figure out some other way to get your people trained.The change roadmap is an excellent communication device to drive common understanding and sense of commitment for what is about to happen.We’re including a sample here, so that you get the idea of what one looks like, but tailor this according to what makes sense to your organization.