Moving the Rock

Change doesn't start from a point of comfort... if the status quo is good, then you probably wouldn't be looking to make a change.  When the status quo is not good and you're in a state of discomfort, what actually causes you to "move the rock".Here are some motivations to consider:

  • Basic survival of your company.  If you're in a competitive environment and they only way you can still continue to be a viable organization is to adapt and provide the new thing that your customers are looking for, then you change or you die.
  • Recognition that your company is ok where it is in your market share, but you can't grow and you can't expand without making some kind of change.  This motivation is beyond survival of the moment, and is all about the ability to grow.
  • Your company is already at the top of the game from a competitive perspective, but there is still room for improvement -- and there are upcoming competitors that could knock you out of the top position.  Your motivation here is to continue to strive for excellence.
  • The company is doing well competitively, but it is just plain painful to work there -- this motivation is more about the people and process aspects of change than about the services or technology aspects.  You are unable to attract and retain talented resources and it's hurting your overall prospects for the future -- ultimately this impacts your long-term survival and your ability to grow.

Understanding the reasons and motivations for changing will help you do a much better job of communicating to everybody why you are making the change.

Listening to Employees is Good Business

Pilot the Change