You've defined success and are now in the throes of executing your change. You have created communities of practice to move the organization toward your vision, and you are getting continuous improvement suggestions.How do you know whether to incorporate the feedback you are getting (or not)?Here is a simple test:

  1. What is your goal?
  2. What is the suggestion?
  3. Would implementing the suggestion
    1. Move you away from the goal?
    2. Move you toward the goal?
    3. Be neutral (neither move you away from nor toward the goal)?
  4. Should you act on the suggestion? (Yes or No)

As a rule of thumb, whenever possible - say yes to the suggestions that either move you toward your goal or are neutral. Demonstrating that the change team values feedback will encourage others to step forward and potentially adopt the change. Considering suggestions, even those that might move you away from your goal, will also ensure that the change team has thoroughly thought through the implications of the change you are making on all of the impacted stakeholders (both internal and external to your company).Keep in mind that the change you want to see in your organization is the goal! The more you can set aside your ego and be flexible to what change is made, as opposed to how it comes about, the faster you will start to see results.

Stress and Change

Reflection and Readjustment