Sincere Thanks

I received a phone call last week that really touched me: it was not a sales call; it was not a request for money; it was not a pitch for further involvement with their organization. Instead, it was a personal call from a corporation with which I have worked for several years. They wanted to take a moment at the end of the year to say thank you to the people who helped them have a successful year.In that spirit, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped wHolistic Change, Inc. have a successful 2012:

  • to the people who tripled the monthly number of unique visitors to our website
  • to the subscribers to our blog
  • to our clients
  • to our partners who gave us great feedback on our methodology and who helped us refine our book (that really will be published in 2013!)
  • to our service providers
  • to the people who inspired us
  • to our friends and family

Thank you! We are grateful for the support!We wish you all every success in 2013, and look forward to sharing what we learn as we continue to demonstrate that it is possible to be compassionate and kind while leading people through change. Happy New Year!

Finding the right change agents

Mission and Focus