What does the feedback loop look like?

As soon as you've implemented the change, you are in continuous improvement world.  Make sure you're ready! Being ready for continuous improvement means that you've defined your feedback loop, its responsibilities, and how it will function.  You'll need to have a structure in place to take on the following points:

  • receiving suggestions for improvement from the broader community
  • generating suggestions for improvement themselves based on experience with the new world
  • deciding whether the suggestions will be acted on and communicating resolution back to the submitter
  • making updates to the services, people, process, and technology elements that are within your sphere
  • planning and managing any improvement releases -- tackle this as on-going change management efforts that each need to be planned and managed just as the first big initial change needed to be approached, with all of the attendant communications required
  • analyzing internal metrics information and identifying any improvement opportunities they point out
  • verifying that the training that is needed for the new world is occurring -- sometimes there has to be
  • verifying that the new processes are being followed by the organization
  • reporting to the broader organization on progress of the change -- depth and breadth of deployment
  • reporting metrics to the organization on quality
  • maintaining key alignments with the other stakeholders that are part of the change and that are part of your new operational world -- your continuous improvement efforts will need to keep them involved
  • providing support for any resource development efforts -- supporting formation of a Community of Practice (CoP) can allow your employees to work together to develop themselves
  • providing mentoring support for current staff and training and mentoring for new hires

Dancing Guy - The Change Agent
